Integrated proteogenomics database

Generate your own integrated proteogenomics database

Settings icon iPtgxDB combiner settings

Can be either in the binomial or trinomial form
Source sequence file, in FASTA format
If checked, pseudogene entries will not be read from the annotation files

Integrated Circuit icon Reference annotations

Converted annotation file
Annotation file, in GFF format
Used as tag in the iPtgxDB

Integrated Circuit icon Ab initio annotations

Converted annotation file
Annotation file, in GFF format
Used as tag in the iPtgxDB

Integrated Circuit icon In silico annotations

For regions without a main start codon, take only the longest alternative anchor
Minimum protein length in aa for export in protein database
Annotation file, in GFF format
For regions without a main start codon, take only the longest alternative anchor
Minimum protein length in aa for export in protein database

Submit Job

Submitting the job will forward you to the job overview, where you can monitor the progress of your job.